Tuesday, July 14, 2015


“Bhaanje” calls out a man dressed in black, white beard and moustache covering his face, rubbing a dice in his hands and limping while he walks. Yeah! That’s none other than the wicked maternal uncle of Duryodhan. He was mastermind behind the Kurukshetra war and one of the most intelligent one after Krishna in the greatest epic Mahabharata.

Shakuni was also known as Saubala. His father Subala was king of Gandhara. He had 100 sons and one daughter, Gandhari. Shakuni was the 100th son of Subala so he was named Saubala (Sau-100).  Gandhari had some issue in her astrological chart. Scholars predicted that her first husband would die early so her family married her to a goat and killed the goat. When Dhritharashtra came to know about it he was furious and imprisoned all the family members of Shakuni.

He would feed them only handful of rice which was not sufficient for the entire family. So they decided that they will let the youngest one that is Shakuni to eat all the rice so that atleast he can survive and take revenge later. When his father died in prison he took his father’s thigh bone and created a magical dice out of it that is why it would listen to Shakuni’s command. He also purposely broke his leg, so that every time he would limp that would remind him of his revenge. He not only survived but also won the trust of all Kuru family specially Duryodhan.

He slowly poisoned Duryodhan’s mind with wickedness and masterminded the Kurukshetra war.  He had no personal rivalry with Pandavas. His target was always Karauvas. He purposely planned the dice game and defeated Pandavas, he knew Pandavas can easily defeat Kauravas and this would complete his revenge.

P.S : Written it on request of my friend "Shobhana Patchai" here you go girl....enjoy it.....

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