Sunday, February 8, 2015

Nothing......But Love!!!

After packing her bags, she rested her head slowly on her mother’s lap and closed her eyes. She felt warmth, comfort and protected. Her mother moved her hand all over her head. “Amma, I will miss you all a lot.” she said looking at her mother.
Her mother looked at her for few seconds then picked up her pillow and blanket and said “Take this with you, whenever you feel homesick, rest your head on this pillow, you’ll feel that it’s my lap.”A tear rolled down her eyes.
She heard someone calling her name "Shruti, Inge Vaa" (Shruti come here). It was her father. She immediately went to see him.
"Have you finished packing yet?" asked her father.
"Yes, Appa" she replied.
“Let me see” he said and started checking her baggage. Within no time she saw her father re-arranging her stuffs in her baggage.
“Now, it’s done, Shruti” said her father. She just kept looking at her father, knowing he is the best and she would miss him the most.
Her father had lot of expectations from Shruti, he wanted to see her travel and achieve greatest heights in her career.
She was excited to start her career at the same time the very thought of staying away from family was killing her from within. She had grabbed a good offer from one of the reputed IT Company in Bangalore. Owing to this job she had to move from Chennai.

October 7th 2006:
She landed in Bangalore with lots of dreams and aspirations; somehow she knew this place will change her life forever. She arrived with her relatives (her sister, brother in law, their kid and Shruti’s close friend Sukanya) two days prior to her joining date so that she can find some decent place to live. Shruti and her relatives reached South End Road, place where she was supposed to work. As soon as she stepped out of her car, she saw a gentleman waiting there for them. He was wearing blue striped shirt. He was tall with killer smile. His moustache was long and thin curling up at each end like a storybook magician. His hair was neatly combed; he had deep black eyes that could make any girl's heart skip a beat. Their eyes met for the very first time. She looked at him, she felt something for the very first time, she didn't know what it was, but it was good. She found him very caring and responsible guy.
Her brother in law introduced them "Shruti, meet Prashanth” he said
“Prashanth is my cousin brother, he works here for quite a sometime now, he knows places in Bangalore very well, he can help us find something” he added.
Prashanth turned to Shruti and said "Hi...You resemble manni (Bhabi)" (He meant She was like her sister who was his Bhabi)
Shruti smiled and replied "You are the first one to ever say this Prashanth"
Prashanth thought Shruti must be a very adamant girl.
"Come I’ll show you your workplace." said Prashanth.
Prashanth walked her through huge glass buildings, showed her beautiful office campus. Shruti was too excited to see all this. She kept looking at those huge buildings where she was supposed to place baby steps of her career. They kept roaming entire evening visiting different places. By now Shruti noticed that Prashanth was glued to his cell phone all the time and she jumped to a conclusion that he must be committed to some girl. Shruti went to her relatives place and Prashanth went to his room bidding good bye to each other.

As planned, Next morning Shruti and her relatives (her sister, brother in law, their kid and Shruti’s close friend) set out for hunting a good place for Shruti to stay. It had been raining heavily that morning making it difficult for them to search a decent place for Shruti. They decided to halt at Nandhini hotel to have some Idlis. After having Idlis and hot filter coffee, they moved towards their car that was when Shruti saw a familiar looking guy on his bike with his friend. He was looking smart in black shirt, completely drenched in rain. Shruti’s brother in law saw him and said “Hey Prashanth, why don’t you join us in looking for a decent place for Shruti?”
“Sure” he said and joined them. They kept looking for different places but couldn’t get any. It was late in the evening, still nothing was finalized. Shruti’s sister panicked. She didn’t want to leave back to Chennai next morning unless Shruti get a good place to live.
Seeing Shruti’s sister tensed, Prashanth said “Bhabhi we are there, we will find something by tonight…don’t worry!” Prashanth called few of his friends, used his contacts and somehow Shruti got a very good PG. Shruti was really impressed with Prashanth since he took so much pain for her. By now Shruti and Prashanth exchanged each other’s numbers. Shruti’s brother in law asked her to call Prashanth anytime without any hesitation.
Next day, Shruti packed her stuffs and moved to PG from relative’s place. Her brother in law and sister went back to Chennai. After returning from first day of work, she wanted to comfortably sleep with her Amma’s pillow that was when she realized that she forgot it at her relative’s place. Her brother in law insisted her to ask Prashanth to get her stuff from that relative’s place but Shruti was reluctant to disturb Prashanth thinking he must be busy with his girl. Since there was no other way to get her stuff back, she finally picked up her phone to call Prashanth but before she could call, her relatives came over and returned her stuffs. Shruti heaved a sigh of relief that she didn’t have to disturb a committed couple (Prashanth and his Gf as imagined by Shruti).

Days after days passed, Shruti and Prashanth talked to each other once in a while.
Gradually, they started sending forward texts to each other. Prashanth would always try to make Shruti comfortable. The more she got to know him; more she realized he was very caring, understanding and mature man. One day while Shruti was just sitting watching TV, her phone buzzed for message, it was a forward from Prashanth. It read:

“Three Questions for you. Please reply.

1) What do you want to do if you have only one day left?

2) One thing that you like in me?

3) what is one thing you expect from me?
Ans=  ”

Without thinking much Shruti innocently replied:

1) What do you want to do if you have only one day left?
Ans= I would spend it with my dear father 

2) One thing that you like in me?
Ans= your caring nature.

3) what is one thing you expect from me?
Ans= I need you in my life…. Forever!!!”  (She meant as a friend but words played its game)

When Shruti told about this text to her close friend Sukanya, she started laughing and said “I knew you will fall for this guy…who will not for such a smart guy…and the way you looked at him the first day, I was sure you will fall for him.”
Sukanya’s words made her think for a while, Shruti knew it for the first time that she has developed liking for this guy.

As time passed, Things went well between Shruti and Prashanth. Their forward messages had now converted into long phone conversations. Prashanth would patiently listen to all Shruti’s bakbak(non-stop talks). They started sharing everything with each other from friends to crushes and all. One day Shruti was casually narrating stories about how so many boys have proposed her while many were gearing up to stop her from getting married. Prashanth patiently listened to her and said calmly “your marriage might happen at least 3-4 years from now…it is long way to go….why are you worried about it now...I am there don’t worry about it, I will handle all these guys and you can happily get married.” Shruti was shocked to hear this. She felt instant warmth. She knew this guy understands her. Shruti was very close to her Appa, Prashanth would protect her, support her, and comfort her exactly like him. But Shruti still had no idea what was going in Prashanth’s mind. She still didn't know whether this guy was actually committed or not.


Gradually, they started travelling to their home that is Chennai and back to Bangalore together. Once they were travelling back to Bangalore, Prashanth was on upper berth and Shruti was on the side lower. When Prashanth got down in the middle of night to check which station they have reached, he noticed that Shruti was awake. He came and sat next to her and asked “You are still awake? What’s the matter?”
“I can’t sleep in trains, passengers keep roaming around so I kind of get uncomfortable” replied Shruti.
“I am there, don’t worry about anything, you go to sleep I will sit here and make sure you are safe” said Prashanth. He sat at the tip of the berth whole night while Shruti slept peacefully feeling protected by someone who cared about her exactly like her Appa.
Next morning, Shruti told Prashanth “Thank you so much for last night, you are so caring” She teasingly said “hmm so your girlfriend must be lucky to have you ;)”
Prashanth smiled and said “You can directly ask me if I have a girl friend….well the salary I get is not sufficient for me...why will I dig my own grave by finding a GF and spending my hard earned money on her?”
Shruti was dumbstruck hearing this reply; she heaved a sigh of relief. Shruti couldn’t sleep that night, she kept laughing in her room thinking about what he said that morning.

16th Nov 2006:
Shruti knew that Prashanth was single; she knew she wanted Prashanth in her life but she didn’t know what Prashanth wanted. So she texted him saying “If I mean something to you, come to meet me else ignore this message”. He replied immediately “I will try to come.” It was around 7 pm when Shruti saw him standing in front of her wearing the same shirt he wore the very first time they had met. He looked directly into her eyes. Shruti was wearing a black salwaar-kameez and a white cashmere cardigan. Her hair fell loosely around her face gracing the features so very unique to only her. Her eyes were wide and full of wonderment and purity. Her beautiful smile could charm anyone.
“Let’s go to that nearby park” he said finally taking off his eyes from Shruti.
Shruti nodded in reply. That evening they kept walking in the park without uttering a single word. Only noise that could be heard was that of Shruti’s bangles jingling every time they hit Prashanth’s hand by mistake. It is said that meaningful silence is better than useless words. At around 9 PM, breaking the silence Shruti said “It’s getting too late; we should go back now”
Prashanth nodded in agreement. They walked back to her PG. He stood in front of huge gate of her PG and finally said “You wanted me to meet, I am here, what does it mean??” Shruti just smiled at him, he smiled back and then both kept looking at each other without uttering a single word. They say when eyes do the talking no words are required. Their hearts knew what they meant for each other.

16th Jan 2007:
Everything was going well in Shruti and Prashanth’s life until a dreadful thing happened in Shruti’s life. Shruti lost her beloved father on this unfortunate day. She lost the most lovable person of her life. She was completely devastated. Prashanth immediately reached Shruti’s house in Chennai to console her. He looked at Shruti, She looked depressed and heartbroken. He couldn’t see her this way.

After completing all formalities, they were returning Bangalore. Prashanth knew how uncomfortable Shruti was in trains so he booked bus tickets. Shruti sat in the corner seat while he sat next to her. Shruti was still depressed she needed a shoulder to cry, so she rested her head on his shoulder and cried a lot. He didn’t touch her head, he let her cry, and he didn’t even soothe her. She looked up to see him, she saw tears rolling downing his cheeks. He was crying. He was crying for her. He was crying because he could not fight with god to save her father. Prashanth had lost his own father when he was very young, he knew the pain of losing father. He had his own pain in his heart and seeing her going through same added his pain. He lifted her head, wiped her tears with his hand and said “I know I can’t replace your dad but I can support you in everything, I will take care of you as my child.” Shruti looked at him and felt as if her dad was talking. She realized he had his own pain of losing father so she decided that she will never cry again in front of him again.


Things were getting bad back in Chennai at Shruti’s home. Her mom was not keeping well. She wanted her to be back in Chennai since there was no one to take care of her. Going back to Chennai meant she would have to be away from Prashanth. She stood at such a turning point of life’s road where one road was leading towards Prashanth while other towards her mother. Prashanth himself told her to choose the path which was leading towards her mother. He said “If we are destined to be together this road will anyways take you to me only.” She did the same. She chose to be with her Amma.

Next day, she requested her vertical head to give her transfer to Chennai. Certainly, he was not happy with her request. He said “If you take transfer, forget about onsite or promotion for next 2-3 years.” She was quite clear with what she wanted. She knew it was her Appa’s dream to see her travel or see her getting good promotions but she felt it was important to take care of the person who was alive rather than fulfilling a person’s wish who was not around. So she said “I want transfer to Chennai.”
He opened his lower drawer and pulled out the promotion list, it had her name listed on it. He showed it to her and stroked-out her name from the list. She walked out of her boss’s cabin knowing she will shine wherever she will go. She was just happy to move to Chennai for her mom.

The day before she was to leave for Chennai, she met him; they sat and talked a lot about them, life and their future. Prashanth told her “we both like each other but don’t tell your mom that you want to marry me, she will think you took such important decision on your own because you don’t trust her that she can give you a good life after dad”

She listened carefully and said “what if she makes me marry someone else?”

“If we are meant to be together, we will be; else I will remain your best friend forever” he said.

“Anyways, thank god now I don’t have to ride my bike all the way from EC to south end road or make rasam for you anymore” his eyes became wet saying this. He controlled his tears and smiled at her. She could read his eyes and knew how broken he was from within.

Next morning he dropped her at Bangalore airport. She entered the gate with her luggage. He stood there behind the gate watching her. She turned back to see him, he nodded his head and said “I will join you there soon.” She smiled and went in airport lobby. As she kept walking towards security checks she felt as if she has left a part of her soul with him. She boarded in her flight; she sat on a window seat and closed her eyes. A Slideshow of memories started in her mind. She came to Bangalore with lots of dreams and now she was leaving this place with millions of memories and a hope that someday she will be with love of her life.

Few months later, her mom started putting pressure on her for marriage. She would avoid this topic under one pretext or the other. But no matter how hard one tries, nobody can avoid this topic for long. So one fine day, her mom confronted her and told her that she has found a suitable match for her. She said that guy is from a very nice family, has a good job and is well settled. She said that she wants her to consider this profile. Shruti was shattered. She missed Prashanth a lot. She never thought of any other guy but Prashanth. She wanted to be with him but she couldn’t say anything to her mom. She cried a lot that night. She called Prashanth, who had moved to Chennai too. He patiently listened to her and then said “Have patience, our love will take care of everything.” His words gave her lot of strength to handle the pressure at home.

It was a Saturday morning. She woke up late and sat in front of T.V with brush in her mouth until her mom yelled at her to hurry up for breakfast. She had Dosas with peanut chutney for breakfast. As she gobbled the last Dosa, her mom told her that she had kept an envelope on dining table; she wanted her to open it and see the photograph of the guy she was talking about the other day. She remained seated there for while, she started sweating, her heart beat increased. With shaky hands she finally picked up the envelope and pulled out the photograph. She looked at the photograph for a while and then looked at her mom.

After Three years:
She held the tickets in her hand and examined them carefully. It had her name on it. It was her ticket to New York. Yes! She finally got an opportunity to fulfill her Appa’s dream of travelling. She was going onsite for 2 months.
After packing her bags, she sat on sofa and took a deep breath then a three year old boy came running towards her, hugged her and rested his head on her lap and closed his eyes. She lifted his head slowly and placed a kiss on his forehead. He looked at her and said “Amma, come back soon, I’ll miss you.”
“I will miss you too my son” she said.

She heard someone calling her name "Shruti, Inge Vaa" (Shruti come here). She immediately went to see.
"Have you finished packing yet?" asked Prashanth
"Yes" she replied.
“Let me see” he said and started checking her baggage. Within no time she saw him re-arranging her stuffs in her baggage exactly like her Appa.
“Now, it’s done, Shruti” he said. She looked at him and had tears in her eyes. She felt as if her Appa was still around her.

Present day:
Prashanth was sitting at his desk doing his work. It was quite late in the night; he and his entire team had stayed back for an important project delivery. After completing their work, they were about to leave for home when Prashanth realized that his team member “Sandy” had also stayed back for work who was the only female member in the team so he went to Sandy’s desk and asked her “How are you planning to go home?”
“Let me see I will call cab” she said.
“I can drop you, it’s too late. Don’t go alone” he said. Sandy agreed.
“Wait for 5 mins. I have to drop a mail then we can go” he said. Sandy wrapped up everything and went to Prashanth’s desk while he was busy drafting a mail. She looked around his desk and noticed a cute photograph. After Prashanth was done with his work, She asked him “Is this your family?” pointing at that picture. He picked up that photograph and said “Yes, That’s my 3 year old son.” He pointed at Shruti and said “and that’s my daughter” Sandy got puzzled. Prashanth laughed and said “I mean she is my wife but I take care of her as my kid” Both of them smiled and left for home.


  1. Awesome story.... very touching.... I wish there is a Shruti somewhere enjoying such a great life.... :)

  2. And yes... a commendable writing... Sandy I pray god you reach heights with your fantastic writing skills..

  3. Good one! Kind of chethan bagath style, keep going
