Saturday, January 17, 2015

Leadership lessons from Mahabharata

"What is found here may be found elsewhere but what is not found here will not be found elsewhere" this is rightly said about Mahabharata. I feel that it is true indeed. It is a treasure house of knowledge and wisdom, only if we try to interpret lesson from every event mentioned in it. One can see Mahabharata as perfect example of how winning is done if you have right leader on your side. Otherwise how was it possible for the Pandavas to win, who rolled on battlefield with 7 armies against the Kauravas with 11 armies. How Pandavas won against world's best warrior, Bheesma, teacher who taught them how to hold bow and arrow and arguable the best archer of all time, Karan. There has got to be something special about this side. One can analyse the events mentioned in it to see what made Pandavas win against all odds.

With war being declared between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, Kings from across aryavrata came with their armies and joined either Pandavas or Kauravas like tributaries of river. Among them was a king Shalya, maternal uncle of Nakul and Sahadev. On his way to kurukshetra, he was treated with all good food and tents to rest, not only for him but for his soldiers too. He was happy with the arrangements done.

"My nephews have made pleasant arrangement for us" he said assuming the arrangement was done by the Pandavas. But he was actually tricked by the Kauravas. These arrangements were made purposely to trick him on Kauravas side. Having partaken of the Kauravas' hospitality he was forced to fight against the Pandavas. Disappointed Shalya reached out to Krishna for advice.

"I have created problem for my own nephews, already they have less armies on their side and my support is gone too" cried Shalya.

"This is a great opportunity. You can still help your nephews" said Krishna

"How?" asked puzzled Shalya

" Karan has asked you to serve as his charioteer to match Arjun's charioteer, right?" asked Krishna.

" Yes." He said.

Krishna smiled and said "Do so, without argument and when you ride out into battlefield make Karan insecure by praising Arjun. Insecure people are terrible performer."

Shalya did the same. He kept praising Arjun and made Karan insecure to an extent that he forgot how to use his most powerful weapon.

This is perhaps great example of psychological game, a case of making opponent nervous before the action. It also portrays the problem solving ability of a great leader (Krishna).
Krishna successfully utilized Shalya for the benefit of his team even when he wasn't in his team and wasn't even fighting. On the contrary, Kauravas tricked Shalya and created problem for themselves. This probably show case how a good leader seeks opportunity in every difficulty while others sees difficulty in every opportunity.

Armies of the Pandavas and the Kauravas stood facing each other. Then suddenly, Arjun asked Krishna to drive chariot between the two armies. He looked at both the armies. He saw his own brothers, uncles, nephews were standing in both armies. He lost his desire to fight. He dropped his bow and said:

"Oh Madhusan, how shall I fight with Bheesma and Drona who are worthy of worship?"

"Oh Parth, Don't be a coward, you are a warrior it is your duty to fight this battle" said Krishna

"My heart is overpowered by the taint of weakness. My mind is bewildered about my duty. I ask you. Tell me decisively what is good for me. I am your disciple. I do not see what will drive away this sorrow which dries up my senses."

" I will not fight" said Arjun and became silent.

Then Krishna explained Arjun something which is now known as "The Bhagavad Gita" comprising of 18 chapters and 700 verses. Krishna's song changed Arjun's perspective. He became more enlightened, stronger, motivated and emotionally stable.

This is perhaps one great example where a leader motivates his team member who has lost track, who has forgotten what he is capable of doing and wants to run away from his duties.  More often than not people go ahead and do wonders, once motivated. Krishna not only motivates Arjun but guides him to choose the right path no matter what price he has to pay. What impresses me about Krishna is that without touching any weapon he guided the Pandavas to victory. Isn't it a sign of great leader, one who never does actual execution but makes sure his team does it in correct way and on time?

It was ninth night of legendary blood bath. War had been inconclusive till now. Pandavas knew without defeating Bheesma it was impossible to win this war. So Pandavas held a meeting to find a way to defeat Beeshma.

"It's impossible to kill him, he has boon given by his father to decide the time of his death" said Yudhistir.

"We cannot kill him but we can immobilize him" said Krishna.

"But he is invincible" said tensed Arjun.

"What if we make him lower his bow" said Krishna with a smile.

"But he will never do that unless we get a woman in front of him and as per rule no woman can enter battlefield" said Bheem.

"What about someone who is neither man nor woman or both?" said Krishna.

"You mean Shikhandi? My elder brother?" said Dhristadhyumna.

Krishna smiled.

Shikhandi was born as a female but later acquired manhood with the help of Yaksha. Shikhandi was actually Amba in his previous life who had pledged to become the cause of Bheesma's death because Bheesma abducted Amba for his brother but his brother didn't marry her since Amba was in love with someone else. But Amba's lover rejected her later saying she was soiled by Bheesma's abduction. So Amba wanted revenge from Bheesma. Shikhandi participated in war and became the cause of Bheesma's fall. Karma's bi*** I tell you. You cannot escape it.

Shikhandi was perhaps first ever example of sex change operation mentioned in our mythology. When rest of the world thought that a person like Shikhandi can be of no use in a war, then Krishna alone realized his/her importance and made him/her play most vital role in the war. This is what I call is perfect example of resource utilization. Krishna teaches us, how to use the weakest link of the chain to build a strong team that wins the battle of  life. Choose the right man for right job. 

Pandavas gathering at ninth night for making plan to defeat Bheesma implies they had team spirit. For them, it was one goal and one team. They had Krishna as their counselor. They had Arjun as commander. Dhritadhymna as commander in chief. More than that they all were part of decision making process. It was a common war for all his team members. While Kauravas had almost no team spirit. All were fighting their own battle. Bheesma was bonded by his vow to protect Hastinapur. Drona was bonded because of his son Ashwathama while Kripa owed allegiance to throne. Shalya was anyways cheated to be on Kauravas side. Karna had his own reasons to prove himself better than Arjun. Most importantly none of them would gel with each other. Even though each one of them were very powerful individually but weak as a group. Teamwork succeeds where Individual effort fails.

Mahabharat also throws light on women empowerment. Pandavas followed matriarchal structure. They were raised by Kunti and whatever she said was Dharma for them. Draupadi always had her say in whatever they did.Both Kunti and Draupadi were always part of major decision making process for Pandavas. On the other hand, Kauravas followed patriarchal structure. None of them ever had their wives in any decision making process, even Gandhari was treated to inner chambers. No one listened to her. 

Teams need to women to balance masculine aggression, ego and dominance with feminine harmony. Women are set of rear wheel essential to keep the vehicle moving.

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