Friday, June 13, 2014

Rants of a single girl!!!!

Are you smart, beautiful and  single in your 20s? If yes, you should read this post. If No, still you can read just for fun.

As a child, we are always told to get good grades in school, once we achieve that, we start slogging for graduation, once that is done too, we started striving hard to earn money. In the mean time we realize that we are growing older. What next now??? Marriage???

Marriage is a big thing in Indian society, sometimes I feel most of them do above given stuff in life just for getting married. Few days back I was talking to one of my friend about his views on marriage and I was shocked when he said "Mein toh shaadi karne k liye kamata hun" (I earn to get married). I mean, is it the only purpose of our life? Come on get some life dude.

If you have completed your graduation, working in some multinational company, drawing handsome package and not dating anyone then definitely your parents must be bugging you to get married.  According to my parents, its high time that I should choose a life partner and get married. More than parents its neighbours, relatives and family friends who are more concerned about my marriage. They keep asking constantly "so when are you planning to get married?". Height is when your own friends call up and say "Hey I am getting really bored, want to attend some big fat Indian wedding, so get married sandy" or "hey  I have never attended any north Indian wedding, so get married sandy". I am like "Excuse me, you want  me to get married for sake of your entertainment or just because you will get an opportunity to dress up and show off your beauty?". Spare me please.......

Just Imagine, how beautiful my life is right now. I can sleep like a log during day, stay up late in night watch football matches, no worries of cooking and cleaning. No need to call up or answer someone 10 times a day. Getting married means sacrificing all these wonderful things of your life, that too for whom, a stranger?(in case of arranged marriage). That's why I always say "Shaadi toh barbaadi hai, kho jaati azaadi hai".

In western culture there is only one kind of marriage. But in India we have 2 types viz. "Love marriage" and "Arranged marriage". Love marriage is simple, two people fall in love and get married. But Arranged marriage is a complex concept. In Arranged Marriage, your parents chose the partner first and then you HAVE to fall in love with him/her.

Typically it goes like this. Parents start shortlisting bio-data, create profile on matrimonial sites, start calling/receiving calls, spread the news that there is new bakra in matrimonial market. After lot of searching and researching, they fix "Arranged Marriage Date"  with shortlisted guy (I came across this term in some article and felt its very apt for such meeting.). Frankly speaking, I hate such kind of meetings. I would love to attend 100s of office meetings but meeting a stranger,talking to him, judging him and then deciding if he is suitable match for you or not. Horrible!!!!.

Usually going on "Date" is a cool thing but going on "Arranged Marriage Date" is a punishment kind of thing. You have to behave like grown up, give fake smiles, talk elegantly, eat with manners and worst of all prepare for interview session. Thousands of questions will be bombarded on you. You have to defend as well as attack the opposition with questions. Phew!!!

My idea of marriage is bit different. Two people who really know each other well and have guts and willingness to spend their life together only deserve to get married to each other. As I always say "It is better to live with a known devil than an unknown devil". Nevertheless, whatever I feel about this "Arranged Marriage Date" concept I will be forced to go on those "Dates". Fault is purely mine because I am lazy enough to go and search for a suitable guy for me.

I have so many examples of arranged marriage and I ask almost all of them that how they came to conclusion that this is the person with whom they would like to spend their rest of life? I always get replies like "Woh pata chal jata hai re" some have even said that "Dimag me ghanti bajti hai" I mean wtf "Ghanti bajti hai??" Lol , ROFL.

Whatever it is, I just feel that everyone deserves the best.  Happy marriage should be the end result be it  love marriage or arranged.

Image courtesy : Google

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