Monday, March 10, 2014

What is Love?

We see, hear, and talk (sometimes even feel) a lot about one thing called “LOVE”. It is an endless topic on which one can go on and on and on. But the question still remains the same. What is love?

“All you need is love” the world famous song by Beatles. If we see the meaning of this famous song, we realize that how true it is. We are told, Love, is all we need. It is the subject of enormous bollywood movies, books, songs, plays, poems and for that matter we even have a “Day” dedicated for it(Valentine’s day).Everyone is longing for it.  But unfortunately, Today’s love has become materialistic; people try to measure the love with amount of money spent.

 In reality Love is not something which can be measured in any way. Love, always tends to grow. A lover can never believe that theirs is a fully developed love; it cannot be expressed through words; In Love there is giving and giving alone without any expectation of returns. In short love is selfless.

If you want to learn to love, you should learn from “Krishna”, the symbol of divine love. Krishna loves all and everyone loves Krishna. He is a selfless, flawless, purest form of lover. His love knows no boundaries of caste, language, power or status. Most fascinating part of his love is that every “gopi” felt he is hers and only hers. He would love each one of them in the form or language in which he/she is most comfortable with. His love for Radha was immortal and innocent. His love for Draupadi was brotherly love. His love for Arjun was friendly. It is only for love that Krishna didn’t accept Duryodhan’s delicious meal but ate “saag” at Vidur’s place.

Krishna’s selfless love earned him respect and glory from all over the world. He loved without any condition he didn’t bother about reciprocation. He was never afraid of losing anything. Krishna teaches you to forgive and forget. Shishupaal his cousin, whose heart was full of hatred for him, insulted him 99 times, each time he forgave him. It was his misfortune that he didn’t utilize his 99 chances of converting his hatred into love. But we are lucky enough to learn from his teachings and his life.

Let’s imbibe following things in our life which Krishna demonstrated to us:
1.   There is only one language- language of heart
2.     There is only one race- race of humanity.
3.     There is only one religion- religion of love.
4.     There is only one almighty- Krishna, the ultimate god


  1. Very true!!!!
    Almost all in this world never understood the true meaning of love..that's why they are always in search of a result they will not find Krishna anywhere..although He is always with us!!!

  2. u must have read a lot to write such beautiful articles
